Friday, September 21, 2007

Share Louisville

Share Louisville - Ohio

Louisville recently embarked on a new campaign to brand itself around the country - My favorite of the spots being the Ohio ad. (Sorry Ohio, I like you, but I just think it's kinda humorous)

The point of the ads, I think, is to just get people outside of the region to just think about Louisville as a viable alternative to the booming places in the South, or large Midwestern and Northeastern cities. People aren't going to start packing their bags for Louisville tonight, but it may stick out in their heads if they ever want a new place to live.

What do you think of them? See the rest here at

Monday, September 10, 2007

Major Work Now Begins at RiverPark Place

RiverPark Place, the sprawling new mixed-use development along the Ohio River, is now moving into the heavy construction phase. The developer, Poe Companies of Louisville, plans to have the first unit available for occupancy in Summer 2008. Phase 1 of RiverPark Place includes two 16-floor condo towers, a large marina, and other low-rise residential and commercial structures.

Preliminary work at the site, which included the placement of utilities and work done for the foundations, was completed in August. The financial workings of the project have also been finalized. National City Bank has agreed to fund the 75 million dollar loan for the project because the developers have more than 50 percent of the condos reserved by buyers.

The project features more than 150 condos with a wide price range of 129,000 to 1.5 million.